IT Consulting Put your effort exactly where your business needs It.
The fastest way to achieve success
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Business Computer Services

IT assistance to companies; Helpdesk support 24/7; Server management and administration; Local, remote and telephone IT Support

Network Installation

Installation of structured networks and cabling; Installation of corporate wireless networks; Maintenance and management of computers networks.

Computer security

Network Protection and Security; Backup and Redundancy Solutions; Server and Internet Protection; Antivirus, Antispam and Firewalls

Cloud Solutions and Web Hosting

Web hosting and domains; Mail Servers; Cloud Server; Backups and Cloud Antivirus

Welcome To IT Person!

IT Services That Help You To Go Ahead

IT Person is an IT services company, specialized in Technological Consulting and Systems Development for operation on network platforms. It is over 15 years old. It has a significant number of clients in different areas, services and information technology.

We aim to add value to our clients’ businesses, through the application of the most appropriate solutions to their needs and their operating strategy, to provide the best possible service through products with technology, within ethical principles and differentiated levels of quality, needed to create long-term relationships.

Act Now! Buzz Us Today And Get:
Local, remote and telephone assistance with monitoring and  alarming included 24 x 7 x 365 days
Monthly IT maintenance for companies with no limits on hours, travel or loyalty.

Why Work With Us

5 Main Reasons To Choose Us

  1. Cost reduction – Your costs will be lower, since hiring, payments and personnel charges will be under the responsibility of IT Person.
  2. Control of services – The trust of our customers is the most important, that’s why we generate reports of all the services performed, the performance and the status of the equipment.
  3. Return on investment – We will constantly suggest improvements and acquisitions that can help the company achieve consumption savings and increased productivity.
  4. Expert know-how – Count on a team of highly trained, up-to-date and capable professionals so that your business can grow driven by your IT
  5. Quality assurance – We will guarantee a high level of security and speed in handling any eventuality and support at all times